DOC DRAFT-Scope and Transaction Certificates Standard Specific Details for Consultation


Document Information

Document Code

Document code   TE-TXL-POL-204


Publication date January 3rd, 2025 Effective date [Month DD, YYYY] NOTE: See section A1 for more details.

Document Revision History

[Month DD, YYYY] First Publication

Document Revision and Interpretation

TE-TXL-POL-204 Standard Specific Details for Scope and Transaction Certificates will undergo a review process at least every five years. Points of clarification may be incorporated into supplementary and guidance documents prior to the next review. More substantive feedback or suggested changes will be collected and assessed as part of the next review of the document.

Any uncertainty regarding the correct interpretation of a criterion should be resolved by the “Notes and Examples” content, where possible. You may submit feedback to Textile Exchange’s standards system at any time via this form or by sending an email to standards@textileexchange.org.


© 2025 Textile Exchange. All rights reserved.

No part of this content covered by Textile Exchange’s copyright may be reproduced, modified, republished, or distributed in any form or by any means without the written permission of Textile Exchange.


Although reasonable care was taken in the preparation of this document, Textile Exchange and any other party involved in the creation of the document hereby state that the document is provided without warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of noninfringement of intellectual property and accuracy or fitness for purpose, and hereby disclaim and shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages or losses relating to the use of this document.

This is a voluntary document and is not intended to replace the legal or regulatory requirements or jurisdiction of any country or area.

A. About the Document

This document includes details specific to each Textile Exchange standard which are relevant for the issuance of scope and transaction certificates.

This document is intended to be used alongside TE-TXL-POL-204 Policy for Scope and Transaction Certificates, as applicable and does not represent all criteria related to scope and transaction certificates. Please see section A2 for more information.

Notes for Consultation

This draft of TE-TXL-POL-203 is being released for public consultation and feedback and shows information for the Organic Content Standard (OCS) and Global Recycled Standard (GRS) based on current active criteria. Criteria for other Textile Exchange standards including the Materials Matter Standard will be added in the final version.

Criteria for current Textile Exchange standards are included in this document because it is expected that TE- TXL-POL-204 Policy for Scope and Transaction Certificates will be used with these standards as a transitional measure.

Many references to Textile Exchange documents included in this draft are made as references to current Textile Exchange documents and will be updated for the final published policy.

NOTE: Any notes included in criteria within the ‘Consultation Notes’ section are limited to this document and will not apply to the final publication of TE-TXL-POL-204.

NOTE: All incomplete dates will be populated in the final version of the of this policy (e.g. “[Month DD, YYYY]” in A1.1.1).

A1. Implementation

The following implementation timelines apply:

                           A1.1.1 TE-TXL-POL-204 is effective [Month DD, YYYY], and may be used immediately.


1) The implementation timelines for TE-TXL-POL-204 will align with the implementation timelines of TE-TXL-POL-203.

A1.1.2 The mandatory implementation date for TE-TXL-POL-204 is [Month DD, YYYY]. All audits and assessments conducted on or after [Month DD, YYYY] shall be conducted using TE-TXL-POL-204.


1) The mandatory implementation timelines for TE-TXL-POL-204 will align with the mandatory implementation timelines of TE- TXL-POL-203.

A2. Document References

All organizations are subject to the criteria of the following documents, and it is essential that they are used alongside this document. All can be found at TextileExchange.org/knowledge-center. Where a specific version of a document is referenced, this is to ensure clarity in referencing specific criteria and does not supersede mandatory implementation dates for future versions of the document. The latest version of referenced documents, including any amendments (e.g. calibrations), applies for those without a version number.

A2.1.1 TE-TXL-POL-203 Policy for Scope and Transaction Certificates – Policy with criteria for certification bodies to issue scope and transaction certificates. TE-TXL-POL-204 acts as a supporting document to TE-TXL-POL-203.

A2.1.2 TE-TXL-DAT-501 Material, Processes, and Products Classification (TE-TXL-DAT-501) – The classification guide for materials, processes, and products, including classification codes used for Textile Exchange Standards.


1) This document is currently coded and named as ASR-213 Materials, Processes, and Products Classification (ASR-213).

                            A2.1.3 TE-301 Standards Claims Policy (TE-301)

                           A2.1.4 TE-302 Logo Use and Claims Specifications (TE-302)

                           A2.1.5 ASR-106 Accepted Equivalent Standards (ASR-106)

Section 1 Claims Categories and Material Content Criteria

Note for Consultation: Information is limited to the OCS and GRS standards for consultation purposes. The final document will include information for all Textile Exchange standards including the Materials Matter Standard.

1.1. Organic Content Standard (OCS)

1.1.1 Basic details and claims categories for the Organic Content Standard (OCS) are outlined in the table below:

Standard Full Name

Organic Content Standard

Standard Acronym


Version Number


Allowable Dates

From March 1, 2020

Audit Report Template Provided by Textile Exchange


Claims Category

Logo to Include on Certificates

OCS (OCS 100)

OCS 100 Logo

OCS 100.png

OCS (OCS Blended)

OCS Blended Logo

OCS Blended.png

OCS (No Label)

No Logo


1) If both OCS 100 and OCS Blended products appear on the same certificate, both logos shall be included.

2) OCS (No label): The proportion of certified raw material shall not be labelled as certified content.

1.1.2 Material content criteria for the Organic Content Standard (OCS) are outlined in the table below:

Claims Category

Certified Content

Allowable Raw Materials (see ASR-213)

Blending Allowed

Mixing Allowed

OCS (OCS 100)


All RM codes in organic










5% x <


                    All RM codes in organic



Not allowed to be certified

< 5%




(No Label)


All RM codes in in-conversion



Not allowed to be certified

< 5%




1) Not allowed to be certified: The proportion of raw material shall not be certified and shall not appear on the scope or transaction certificate as a certified product.

2) All claims categories are case sensitive for transfer of data to Textile Exchange.

3) If a product contains in-conversion material and qualifies for an OCS label due to organic content, the OCS 100 or OCS Blended claims category shall apply.


1) A product with 10% in-conversion cotton (RM0103) and 90% organic cotton (RM0104) shall have the OCS Blended claims category specified.

1.1.1 Geographic origin information for inputs without OCS transaction certificates shall be determined as follows:

Input materials

Source of Geographic Origin Information

Unprocessed organic or in-conversion farm inputs

Farm locations, as specified on the scope certificate

GOTS certified inputs

Geographic origin specified on input GOTS transaction certificate

1.1.2 For OCS products, the origin facility shall be the organic farm and the origin organization shall be the certified farm organization (e.g. farm group). This data

 is optional and may be replaced with “na”.


1) Details may be adjusted for the final version, since organic farms and farm groups do not currently have TE-IDs.

1.2. Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

1.2.1 Basic details and claims categories for the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) are outlined in the table below:

Standard Full Name

Global Recycled Standard

Standard Acronym


Version Number


Allowable Dates

Scope certificates issued between July 1, 2017 and [Month DD, YYYY], with expiry no later than [Month DD, YYYY].

Audit Report Template Provided by Textile Exchange


Claims Category

Logo to Include on Certificates


GRS Logo


GRS (No Label)

GRS Logo (Optional)

GRS alt.png


1) GRS (No label): The proportion of certified raw material shall not be labelled as certified content.


1) Allowable dates will be aligned to the mandatory implementation of the Materials Matter Standard.

1.2.2 Material content criteria are outlined in the table below:

Claims Category

Certified Content

Allowable Raw Materials (see ASR-213)

Blending Allowed

Mixing Allowed



All RM codes in recycled pre-consumer or recycled post-consumer not marked VR2





20% x <




Not allowed to be certified

< 20%






All RM codes in recycled pre-consumer or recycled post-consumer marked VR2



Not allowed to be certified

< 20%




1) Not allowed to be certified: The proportion of raw material shall not be certified and shall not appear on the scope or transaction certificate as a certified product.

2) All claims’ categories are case sensitive for transfer of data to Textile Exchange.

1.2.3 Origin information for inputs for the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) shall be determined as follows:


Source of Geographic Origin Information for First Transaction Certificate

Origin Facility

Origin Organization

Recycled Material

Location of collection of reclaimed materials, as specified on the material declaration form (MDF)

Collector or facility producing pre- consumer waste

Concentrator or direct supplier to the recycler

e.g. Location of the collector or of the facility producing pre-consumer waste

Section 2 Content Claim Standard

2.1. Content Claim Standard (CCS)

2.1.1 Basic details for the Content Claim Standard (CCS) are outlined in the table below:

Standard Full Name

Content Claim Standard

Standard Acronym


Version Number


Allowable Dates

From July 1, 2021

Audit Report Template Provided by Textile Exchange


Claims Category

Determined based on the standard used as the basis for claims. See Section 1 for Textile Exchange Standards and Section 3 –for Standards with Equivalency Recognition

Section 3 Standards with Equivalency Recognition

This section provides details of standards with equivalency recognition for Textile Exchange standards. Textile Exchange scope and transaction certificates shall not be issued to these standards, though they may be accepted as allowable inputs. For further information, see ASR-106.

3.1. Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

3.1.1 Basic details and claims categories for the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) are outlined in the table below:

Recognized Equivalency For

Organic Content Standard (OCS)

Equivalent Standard Full Name

Global Organic Textile Standard

Equivalent Standard Acronym


Version Number

V6.0 and V7.0

Allowable Dates

From the standard version effective dates

Equivalency Type

Full equivalency

Equivalent Standard Has Transaction Certificates


Source of Origin Information

See 1.1.3 and 1.1.4

Additional Criteria

See ASR-106

Appendix A Definitions

Refer to TE-101 Terms and Definitions for Textile Exchange Standards and Related Documents for definitions of terms used in these procedures. Key definitions are included below. Defined terms are shown in italics in the first usage in this document, and in some other uses for clarity.




The process of combining different raw material or fiber types (e.g. cotton blended with elastane) into a single product or component.


The process of combining raw materials of the same type but with different attributes into a single product (e.g. certified organic cotton and conventionally produced cotton).