This regulation aims to reduce environmental pollution and promote the circular use of resources through strict packaging waste management. All relevant parties, including the government, businesses, sales points, and consumers, must fulfill their respective responsibilities and obligations to jointly promote the effective management and recycling of packaging waste.
- Ensure that packaging meets environmental standards.
- Reduce the generation of packaging waste, promote reuse, recycling, and energy recovery.
- Prevent direct or indirect harm to the environment caused by packaging waste.
- Establish technical and administrative standards for the collection, transportation, separation, and recycling of packaging waste.
- Applies to all packaging and its waste placed on the market.
- Excludes defective products, scrap, and packaging not placed on the market.
Any material used for the transport, protection, storage, and sale of products.
Packaging materials that meet the definition of waste.
Facilities that separate, recycle, or recover energy from packaging waste.
Locations where consumers can easily see and sort packaging waste for disposal.
Prioritize reducing the generation of packaging waste and encourage reuse and recycling.
Prohibit the direct discharge of packaging waste into the environment or landfills.
Packaging waste must be collected separately at the source.
The environmental damage costs of packaging waste shall be borne by the responsible parties.
- Develop strategies and policies for packaging waste management.
- Authorize and supervise relevant organizations.
- Organize meetings of the Packaging Committee.
- Promote the use of recycled products.
- Responsible for the separate collection and transportation of packaging waste.
- Develop and implement packaging waste management plans.
- Provide collection equipment and facilities.
- Design and produce packaging that is easy to recycle and reuse.
- Submit annual reports on packaging usage through the Packaging Information System.
- Set up packaging waste collection points.
- Reduce the use of plastic bags and provide them free of charge.
- Packaging must be designed for easy recycling and reuse.
- The production and placement of non-recyclable packaging are prohibited.
- The total concentration of lead, cadmium, mercury, and hexavalent chromium in packaging must not exceed 100 ppm.
- Packaging materials should be labeled during production to facilitate recycling and consumer identification.
- Recycling and reuse targets for different materials increase annually.
- For example, the recycling target for glass, plastic, metal, and cardboard in 2017 was 52%.
- Producers can achieve recycling targets through deposit systems or authorized organizations.
- If targets are not met, the shortfall must be made up in the following year.
- Authorized organizations must represent at least 5% of the market for a specific packaging material.
- They must comply with relevant regulations and be subject to supervision.
- Authorization will be revoked for organizations that fail to meet recycling targets or fulfill their obligations.
- Packaging waste collection equipment should be blue, while glass collection equipment can be green or white.
- Local governments must set up collection equipment based on population density.
- Collection vehicles must be equipped with tracking systems.
- Packaging waste processing facilities must obtain environmental permits.
- Facilities must comply with environmental standards and report their operations regularly.
- A committee organized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to evaluate and supervise the implementation of packaging waste management.
- Local governments, businesses, and sales points must conduct educational campaigns on the separate collection and recycling of packaging waste.
- Violations of this regulation will be penalized according to relevant laws.
- Facilities that obtained environmental permits before the enactment of this regulation may continue to operate until their permits expire.
- Local governments must adjust their packaging waste management plans within a specified period to comply with this regulation.
- This regulation came into effect on January 1, 2017, and is enforced by the Minister of Environment and Urbanization.
Details which products are considered packaging and which are not.
Lists the labeling codes and abbreviations for different packaging materials.
Explains how to calculate recycling and reuse rates.